Saturday, August 21, 2010

Waiting to see

Well, I had a big day.  Did some volunteer work this morning with some friends, then came home to 25# of peaches.  Plus we had company for dinner.  So I crammed a lot into the day, more than I should have, as I think I will see tomorrow.  I managed to get all the peaches cut up and put in a solution to freeze them.  Then I made a homemade Tiramisu and potato salad, some grilling items, cleaned up the kitchen AND myself!  Company got here just as I was finished mopping the kitchen floor, peaches can be sticky! 
So we had a nice evening, but I'm totally wiped.  These are the times when I notice a lot of discomfort, so I need to learn not to overdo it.  Sometimes it's just impossible though, we are so busy.  I do believe I can see a bit of a benefit from the SAM-e I started taking a week ago.  Will keep you posted!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Nitty Gritty

I was diagnosed with RA about 3 years ago, denying ever since.  But I have had 4 other doctors tell me that they think I have it as well, and also a therapist confirmed her suspicions.  SO, I guess I have to believe it but I don't want to! That's why this is titled "nitty gritty" because I need to get down to business and handle this!   It never showed up in my blood, not sure what showed up, something was elevated.  I have noticed that in the past 6 months the RA is progressing, my feet are really affected, as well as my hands and wrists.  I am a cashier in a grocery store so it doesn't help.  I have wonderful insurance however, so I must keep my job as long as possible.  I am on restricted 5 hour shifts and no more than 22 hours a week, so that helps.  I am not ready to go on Methotrexate or the other RA drugs out there.  I was on Prednisone for about six months last year, and once you go off the pain returns, seemingly with more vengeance.  At this point, I am trying homeopathic methods and am re-vamping my diet.  I feel I eat fairly healthy anyway, but all it takes is that one indulgence or the item that has the hidden MSG in it.  I also took Diclofenac for a couple of years but it bothered my stomach.  I am now taking Ibuprofen as needed, actually I need it all the time but try to limit it to bedtime so I can sleep, that's another story! have good sleep.  I wake up every two hours, I'm not sure what I'm going to do about that yet, but for now I am introducing Devil's Claw into my daily intake of herbs, etc.  At present I take Glucosamine as well as Flaxseed and Lecithin.  I try to make a spinach smoothie with plain Greek yogurt and some fruit to add sweetness in my Vitamix.  Along with frozen bananas and a little ice and Almond milk, it's awesome!  I have read about juicing fruits and vegetables to get the most concentrated benefit.  There are so many things to consider, it's hard to try it all at once.  I joined this blog to get a lot of input from others going the natural route.  I have also heard that DHEA is a good element in the reducing of pain.  SO, thanks for listening, hope to gain a lot of insight and achieve success in my journey down this road with RA along with all of you.  I am finally accepting that I do have it.  Take care